Filming at Pinckney High School the movie One’s Honesty, a day in English class. Jackie as Ms Perry the English teacher and Bryce as Rider a high school senior doing the 7 day film out project.
Continue reading English Class: Jackie Kallen and her Grandson Bryce KallenImage
Lisa Marie Pryde as the Drama teacher Lisa Marie Pryde as the Drama teacher. We are still filming three more scenes hope to be wrapped up by the end of September. Then to editing and the big screen in a theater near you.
Continue reading Lisa Marie Pryde as the Drama teacher One’s HonestyWe still are raising funds for this film project. Please visit for our gofundme link. You too can help support this community film project make a $20.00 donation and we will send you a wristband of the One’s Honesty a film about teenage suicide and depression.
Continue reading ONE’S HONESTY WRISTBANDSYou too can help support this community film project make a $50.00 donation and we will send you a hard copy of the G1NBC Studios table top magazine of the One’s Honesty a film about teenage suicide. We still are raising funds for this film project. Please visit our gofundme link.
Continue reading Behind the scenes of One’s Honesty a film about teenage suicideMike Bouchard believes: Give thanks each day for my blessings, tell your family and friends you love them and leave the world a better place.
Continue reading Mike Bouchard Oakland County MI Sheriff joins the castCome hear Patch speak his message of hope and love. This event will be at the Pinckney High School main campus. All tickets sale will be donated to the Gesundheit Institute. About Patch Adams Patch Adams is best known for his work as a medical doctor and a clown, but he is also a social …
Continue reading Patch Adams August 10th. Pinckney High School tickets on sale now.The meet and greet is set as a fundraiser for Patch Adams hospital. The cost is $10 and ALL ticket sales will be donated. Here is the link come join us, we love to have you.
Continue reading Meet and Greet August 10th the cast of “One’s Honesty”Looking for extras to fill several roles as high school students for a local film, “One’s Honesty.” One’s Honesty is scheduled to be filmed Summer August 8th – 11th 2022 at Pinckney High School. 20 for each class Math, Science and Drama. Please email Headshots to Zoom meeting to ensue in coming weeks. This is …
Continue reading 60 students needed Open CastingThe class of 2022NB the respective they have 40 years later.
Continue reading 40 years later 2062NB