Please support this community film project. Click on for the link
Continue reading Crowdfunding for “One’s Honesty” filmPlease support this community film project. Click on for the link
Continue reading Crowdfunding for “One’s Honesty” filmZack is a Pinckney High School grad. He will be the High School radio station DJ in the movie.
Continue reading Zack Schingeck high school radio station DJMike was in two other G1NBC Studios films, Jimmy Hoffa Lives and Bigfoot of Island Lake the movie.
Continue reading Livingston County MI, Sheriff Mike Murphy as himself in the filmFilm about high school students dealing with suicide and depression
Continue reading Class of 2022NB “One’s Honesty ” film“One’s Honesty “A film about teenage suicide and depression. Will be filming this summer at Pinckney high school. First read at Ginopolis Bar-BQ Smokehouse Downtown Brighton. Great cast and crew. Here is the website www.oneshonesty.com
Continue reading First Read “One’s Honesty “Math is his thing and time travel
Continue reading Liam Kocur the High school studentWillam has been with G1NBC since 2004 as a Station Affiliate in Detroit Michigan. In 2018 was promoted to Executive Producer.
Continue reading Willam Reed G1NBC Executive ProducerPinckney Community Schools is a school district in Pinckney, Livingston County, Michigan. The district serves 2,977 students from the communities of Hamburg Township, Putnam Township, the Village of Pinckney, and Hell] In 2010, a bond was passed with the money going towards facility improvements, classroom technology, a one-to-one laptop program for grades 7-12, a new fine and performing arts center, and …
Continue reading Pinckney High school, Pinckney Michigan is the backdrop for the movieI am a very proud husband of Danielle Amonette-Todd and father of three beautiful boys and our angel of a daughter, Isabella. God has blessed me in both my professional and personal life as I have the opportunity to work with kids on a daily basis, supporting their learning as principal. More importantly, I have …
Continue reading Rick Todd the State Superintendent of schoolsHis duties are responsible for getting media coverage of the film through having good relationships with journalists and critics. He will create press packs, which usually include the film’s synopsis, production notes, cast and crew credits and biographies, stills and the electronic press kit.
Continue reading Orlando Loren Hodges G1NBC PR